June Shih
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Chang Skates on Ice and Through Harvard With 40 Credits
The decades-old, grafitti-ridden surfaces and drawers of Alexander Change's standard-issue Quincy House desk and wardrobe have been carefully covered with
Chewing Over Stereotypes
This reporter had lunch and a lively discussion. Thursday with a group of nine guys in Quincy House. Six of
FM Farewells
Her Headline: But how do you thank someone/who's taken you from crayons to perfume? Home: Dunster House and Lincoln, Nebraska
Rudenstine Speaks On Finances in D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C.--President Neil L. Rudenstine addressed the challenges of keeping college affordable in the face of rising costs and a
Jackson Katz and His Anti-Sexism Crusade
I thought I knew how to get to IHOP. "Get on Soldier's Field Road and drive, drive," a colleague said.
Not Big Enough For All of Us
D uring Thanksgiving break my first year at Harvard, my father came home from work to ask a question that
Black Teens Charge Police With Harassment
Sixteen-year-old Bryon R. Logan was walking with a group of friends in Central Square one night when they were stopped
'Hero' Mocks Media, Itself
From one of the first scenes of director Stephen Frears' latest movie, you can tell that "Hero's portrayal of the
Frolicking in the Pit of Despair
T he T pit. A brick square of sorts bordered by the glass windows of the Cambridge Trust Bank, Mass.
University Receives Gift To Build Student Center
Harvard received a $7 million donation to transform the basement of Memorial Hall into a student center, University officials announced
Board Denies Bell's Appeal
Former Weld professor of Law derrick A. Bell Jr. said yesterday that the Harvard Corporation has denied his appeal of
New Act Will Force College to Change Sex Assault Policy
Harvard will take major steps to codify and revise its sexual assault policy in accordance with an amendment to the
Magnetic Card Keys To Replace Yard Locks
Yardlings will no longer have to struggle with ill-fitting Yard keys and the annoying sound of metal against metal next
Council Quiets Drums
The City Council voted last night to soften the music of Cambridge street performers--an action critics said would effectively ban
Mayor and Police Officer Argue at Council Meeting
Tempers flared last night at a City Council meeting when a representative of the police union criticized Mayor Kenneth E.