

Preston W. Brooks

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Art and Dance in New York

H is dancing partner reached up and placed the back of her hand on her forehead. "Is she mopping her

Fans Warned To Cease Their 'Vulgar' Behavior

In the Wake of a recent increase in excessive rowdiness at athletic events, Dean John B Fox Jr '59 and

Bok Reiterates Opposition To S. Africa Divestment

Responding to weeks of student protest against Harvard's South Africa-related investments. President Bok stated last week that divestment of these

Harvard Professors Suspicious Of Hitler Diaries' Authenticity

Several Harvard history experts yesterday said they doubt the authenticity of the purported diaries of Adolf Hitler, which last week

Social Studies Concentration Tightens Freshman Admissions

Because of a 23 percent increase in the number of applicants to the Social Studies concentration, 30 freshmen were turned

Bulldog Invaders Bark Up Harvard's Trees

With a sudden uproarious clamor, 15 members of the Yale Band stormed the Freshman Union yesterday evening, provoking Harvard freshmen
