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Groundling Room Only

W HAT HAPPENS when you give one of Harvard's most talented directors, experienced actors and creative crew a script of

Clever Language Games

I NFLUENCED BY the philosopher Wittgenstein's theory of language, playwright Tom Stoppard developed Dogg, a dialect which uses the English

Lowell Dining Hall Turns into Opera House

Amidst the lingering aroma of a lasagna dinner, the penetrating voice of Margery A. Hellmold '83 echoes through the Lowell

The Personalities of Pigeons and Criminals

Harvard buildings house quite a few unusual experiments. But if you take a trip to the seventh floor of the

Radcliffe College Coat of Arms Mysteriously Stolen From QRAC

Radcliffe managed to keep its identity in the Weld boat house but not on the Radcliffe Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center.

Foundation Awards University Money for Health Promotion

Harvard researchers will be looking to draw up new health promotion policies under a recent grant from a major foundation.

Court Challenges Draft-Aid Linkage

A federal judge Wednesday struck down a section of the law linking draft registration to financial aid. District Judge Robert
