

Joseph Menn

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Car Plunges Into Charles, 2 Pulled From Icy Water

Police rescued the husband and eight-year-old child of an MIT professor from the Charles River's frigid waters last night after

NATO Chief Carrington to Speak

Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington will address Harvard's 336th Commencement exercises today, one day before his 67th birthday. The day's events

A Name and Nothing Else?

W HAT'S IN a name? Ask Joe Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy, who is related to all the other Kennedys, is the

Platonic Dialogue?

I N THE WAKE of the Conversative Club's recent hosting of a speaker who called for the quarantining of all

State Okays Harvard Plan To Find Dump Site Sooner

State legislators working on a plan to establish Massachusetts's first nuclear waste dump site yesterday formally accepted a Harvard recommendation

Harvard Fights Attempt To Regulate Chemicals

Harvard is resisting proposals by state legislators to develop regulations of hazardous substances, including many chemicals used in medical research

Profs Back Liberal Candidates

Among the Cambridge residents heading to the polls today will be hundreds of Harvard professors and administrators, but some of

Here's What City Politicos Talk About

While referendum Question 2 calls on Cambridge voters to voice their feelings about Harvard selling off its property to escape

Wellesley Dining Hall Workers Say They Will Strike on Friday

Wellesley College's 280 kitchen, custodial and construction employees will go on strike Friday morning unless there is a dramatic breakthrough

Congress Imperils Tax-Free Borrowing

In a move that could make it more expensive for Harvard to borrow money for construction and other projects, a

U.S. Reverses Policy On Research Rules

In a dramatic policy reversal, the White House has announced it will not restrict the dissemination of scientific research funded

Research Battle Leads to Policy Flip

The recent reversal of U.S. policy on restricting unclassified government research comes after prolonged efforts by Harvard and the academic

Slander Defendant Will File Response

A Medical School official who last month filed a $250,000 slander lawsuit against a former Harvard architect has granted her

Law Prof Prosecutes U.S. at World Court

Abram Chayes '43 is no stranger to the arena of international legal disputes; in fact, he once headed the Department

Mather Pianist Vies for $40,000 Prize

On Thursday, Mather House senior Mia Chung may find herself instantly $40,000 richer. Chung, however, is not an entreprenuer. Nor
