

Jonathan Finer

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A Love Story for Icemen at Lynah Rink?

Crunch time is here. For all of the frustration that has marred the 1996-97 Harvard men's hockey season, the Crimson

Wrestlers Show Inexperience

When freshman Joel Friedman was deciding whether or not to come to Harvard and wrestle for the Crimson, he had

Martins, Butler: Two Seniors, Two Teams, Two Leaders

Senior Steve Martins sums up his 1994-1995 hockey season in an interesting way: "It was dismal....No, I won't say dismal

Women's Track Places Fourth at Heps; Men Finish Sixth

If consistency is the mark of greatness, then the Harvard women's track team is indeed a great team. The Crimson

Radcliffe Crew Eases Past B.U.

Bucking a recent trend, the Radcliffe heavyweight crew held on to an early lead and cruised to a 12 second

Hochanadel: A Diamond Power

Sir Thomas More has been remembered by historians as "a man for all seasons." But the same title could certainly

M. Golf Finishes 9th

The Harvard men's golf team played a full slate of action this weekend, while inclement weather sidelined the women's team.

Mike Eckert: Quiet a Leader

Wayne Gretzky, the world's greatest hockey player, makes the players around him look like superstars with his uncanny playmaking ability.

Dartmouth Defeats Radcliffe Heavies

Like a steroid-pumped Ben Johnson, the Radcliffe heavyweight crew burst out to a fast start Saturday at Hanover, N.H. However,

Tough Weekend for Baseball

While area baseball fans may have to wait for a few more weeks to see the Red Sox battle the

M. Golf First, W. Third at H-Y-P's

While the attention of the golf world was focused clearly on Augusta, Georgia and the Masters golf tournament, both the

Laxmen Tops in Ivy League

Though few games have been played, the biggest surprise of the early Ivy League men's lacrosse season has been the

B.U. Rifles Past Maine for NCAA Title

PROVIDENCE, R.I.--It isn't Seattle, but Providence, R.I. still had it share of dramatic March Madness at the NCAA hockey championships

M. Lacrosse Ready to Quake

Riding the crest of a two-game winning streak, the undefeated Harvard men's lacrosse team (2-0 overall, 1-0 Ivy) takes on

Icemen, RPI Tie at 2; Rematch Tonight

In a game that seemed to be taking place at a neutral sight rather than the friendly confines of Bright
