

Thomas S. Hixson

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Getting Hooked

R oom 13 needs a new sign: "I drink eight cups of coffee a day. Is that many Harvard students

An Open Letter to Madonna

Dear Madonna: When can I say? I've been your most loyal fan. I have all your albums, all your biographies

What I Did Over Summer Vacation

S everal years ago, the District of Columbia was deciding on a new motto to put on its license plates,

Mad as Hell

A T LAST! The recession appears to be on its way out, or perhaps it's over already. But in any

BAD to the Bone

"B AD IDEAS are those that are palpably unsound...BAD ideas, on the other hand, are widely accepted and so familiar

Scheduling Our Hell

Y OU'RE STRESSED, of course. You've got four finals in three days and you haven't done the reading for three

The Solution Does Not Lie in the Administration

Perhaps I am just a cynic, but the Harvard-can-make-it-all-better mentality behind the staff position seems futile and petty. The staff

Localize It

W HY CAN'T NATIONAL politics be more like local politics? Oh sure, you say, and have the entire country run
