

Richard S. Weisman

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Broadway Lives

A S SOMEONE who has never spent an evening under the footlights (it can get very dark under the stage)

The Rocky Road

Y OU HAVE TO forgive, or overlook, too much to bring yourself to like a movie like F.I.S.T., even though


THE LATE-NIGHT CROWD was still drifting out of the club as the proprietor finally loosened his tie for the last

The 130th Clone

A Thousand Clones (pun) Written by Andy Borowitz '80 and Jackie Osherow '78 Produced by Diane Nabatoff '78 and Peter

Tommy's at 20

Tommy's Lunch turned 20 yesterday. To elaborate somewhat, Thomas Stefanian decided 20 years ago that there was no future in

They Hadn't Turned to Dust

With a deft snip of the scissors and some decidedly un-frantic clawing at 30-year old wrapping paper, Harley Holden, curator

Just a Bowl of Nitrites

...To paraphrase Justice Holmes, no one has the right to stand up in our perturbed and restless society and cry,


Put this one in your pipe and smoke it: And then there's the one about the guy who, strapped for

Labor Chief Discusses Job Outlook

Secretary of Labor F. Ray Marshall told reporters yesterday that "one of the Carter Administration's main objectives is full employment,

Nudes in Revue

If this Wednesday's opening of "Oh! Calcutta!" at the Harvard Square Theater proved anything, it was that on-stage nudity--once capable

One Day At The p-3 Facility...

T HE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL last week approved research within the city limits into the phenomenon of "recombinant DNA," according

Hasty Pudding to Honor Johnny Carson, Liz Taylor

Longtime NBC "Tonight Show" host Johnny Carson and sometime "Tonight Show" guest Elizabeth Taylor will travel to Cambridge separately next


"Disco Ergo Sum" --Rene Discortes. Some people don't think it's a serious thing, rock and roll. Well listen--if this column

Any extra Tickets?

So you didn't bother buying tickets for today's sold-out Harvard-Yale game in advance? And you'd really like to go? And

Pursuing the Lameduck Professor

Ron Gollobin probably meant well. "Are we going to be hearing any more about benign neglect over the next three
