

Carl I. Gable jr.

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A Unique Solution to Juvenile Delinquency

One hot summer day in 1959 eight teenagers were painting the fence around a public building in Cambridge. The Cambridge

Actors Will Tour South Pacific If Army Accepts Henning's Plan

A company of Harvard actors will tour the South Pacific next summer playing Thorton Wilder's Our Town, if production plans

Kissinger Describes U.S. Policies Since Negotiations at Camp David As National 'Game of Charades'

"If Khrushchev were to compare his position today with that of a year ago, he must conclude that the best

Tiger at the Gates

The curtain at Pi Eta opens on a starkly effective silhouette of Peter Prangnell's representation of the Trojan Gate of

Soc Rel Dept. Must Pick Behavioral Science Area

The area on Massachusetts Avenue between Dunster and Holyoke Streets is being considered as the site for the projected Behavioral

Charities Drive to Begin Monday With Bundy Addressing Banquet

A kickoff dinner Monday night will open the 1959-60 Combined Charities campaign. Dean Bundy will deliver the principal address at

Forum Members Stress 'Quality' Drama

The Loeb Drama Center should not be a school, yet should serve an educational purpose, Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of

Capacity Crowd Jeers, Applauds Debate Over Faculty Communists

A near capacity crowd that alternately hissed, shouted, and applauded filled Emerson D last night for what the Harvard Eisenhower

Williams Warns Of Complacency In U.S. Thought

The people of the United States have not stood up and yelled "phoney" at the Eisenhower administration's dire warnings of

Drive Heads Offer Change For Charities

A plan to remove the Combined Charities drive from Student Council control and set up an independent executive board will

Dawson Sees Christianity Course Need

A professor in the Divinity School advocates the addition of an undergraduate course in Christian culture. "This field is one

PBH Requests Hospital To Alter Volunteer Plan

The PBH Hospitals Committee may discontinue a large part of its volunteer program at Massachusetts General Hospital unless the Hospital
