

Lowell J. Rubin

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Fernando Gerassi

As a young man, Fernando Gerassi, like a number of Spanish intellectuals including Ortega y Gasset, went to Germany to

Undergraduate Art

A number of explanations have been offered for the increased activity in the creative and performing arts that has burst

Richard Eberhart's Reading

Richard Eberhart best defined his approach as a poet when he said in his poem The Groundhog: . . .

Two Days With Barrault

During the last night of his company's stay, Jean Louis Barrault walked through the vestibule of Sanders theater and through

In and Out of the Galleries

Munch Black and white seem particularly appropriate to the Norwegian contemporary of Ibsen, Edvard Munch. The great expressiveness, the somber,

The Art of Ben Shahn

As eloquent as Ben Shahn has been in the fall Norton lectures, his pictures speak with a bolder and more

Shahn Sees Strife In Image and Idea

Artist Ben Shahn, this year's Charles Eliot Norton Lecturer, did his best to ring the death knell last night on

The Modern Artist

Seldman Rodman is a poet interested in painting who was active politically during the '30's editing a magazine which attempted

Shahn Says U.S. Colleges Could Become Art Center

The colleges may become the new art center of the country said Ben Shahn, the Charles Eliot Norton Lecturer last

Kaethe Kollwitz

During World War I Kaethe Kollwitz lost her eldest son, Peter. This tragedy is carved into her self portrait. In

Fromm Criticizes Modern Loving

It is something of a shock to pick up a slim book of 132 catalog-card size pages and find the

German Mid-Century Review

The Busch Reisinger Museum is currently showing a loan exhibition of German watercolors, drawings and prints from 1905 to 1955,

Toynbee and His Fossils

If one were to sum up critical opinion of Toynbee's Study of History since its initial publication it might boil

Raisins in the Danish or A Night in the Ballet

"Just walk through that door to the rear of the stage and wait for directions," said the round man at

William Gropper

This is a very different era from the one in which William Gropper rose to prominence. It is no longer
