

Victoria Thompson

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Radcliffe Approaches Time of Consolidation

Wilbur K. Jordan, president of Radcliffe, yesterday expressed the opinion that Radcliffe is entering "a period of consolidation" after passing

Plans for Non-Honors Tutorial Remain Vague

Despite continued discussion, members of the Administration and House Masters have not yet agreed on a general plan for non-Honors


Winter's dying spasm may not meet with the approval of the Public Works Department nor of Harvard students who like

Sixteen Attempts and Fifteen Failures

The first Radcliffe undergraduate publication appeared in 1898, nineteen years after the Annex was founded. Since then there have been

'Golden Rule'

Four men sailed for the Hawaiian Islands, planning to go to Eniwetok in protest against continued testing of nuclear bombs.

International Center Aided By Ford Fund

The Ford Foundation has given one million dollars to the Center for International Studies and the Graduate School of Public
