

Peter Frawley

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Lights, Action: The Drama of the Daily News

D URING THE DEPRESSION years of the 1930s, the Federal Works Progress Administration began the Federal Theatre Project to afford

Former Ambassador Alleges Cover-Up Of Illegal American Activities in Chile

Edward M. Korry, who served as U.S. ambassador to Chile during the period of the Allende government, last night told

The Great American Excursion

Part I of this article, which appeared yesterday, discussed the validity of Professor Barry Fell's theory that America was settled

Barry Fell and His Big Idea: Wherein a Harvard Zoology Professor Tells the Tale Of All the Folks Who Got Here Before Columbus

"Oh, the problems with being famous!" Mrs. Fell sighed in mock exasperation. She had just struggled through the ice and

For Unconditional Amnesty

O VER THE PAST few years the question of amnesty for war resisters has been debated farily thoroughly. You'd think

Rehabilitating the Left

F IRST there was the Socialist Party, then the Communists, and finally the so-called "new left." Three times in this

Gnomon Puts in Its Two Cent's Worth; Ec 10 Will Have to Find a New Example

Last fall section instructors in Economics 10 used a price war between two Harvard Square photocopying firms as an example

Cambion: Not over yet

The seven-month-old strike at Cambion ended Monday, but the dispute between members of UE Local 262 and the Cambion Corporation

Local Activists Plan Campaign For Amnesty

More than 100 people, many of them representatives of New England activist organizations, attended a conference Saturday to develop strategies

At Cambion the strike continues

This Thursday will mark six months on the picket line for 250 striking workers at Cambridge's Cambion Corporation. But, despite

Cambion Official Charged With Assault on Worker

A Cambion offical was charged yesterday with assaulting a union picketer while, in a separate action, a striking worker was

Abortion Clinic Employees Decide in Favor of Strike

Workers at Preterm Inc., a Brookline abortion clinic to which the University Health Services sometimes refers students, voted Wednesday to

Keeping science accountable

The setting: A conference room at an annual meeting of the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAC].

Harvard's Coin Theft Detective Charged in Assault Indictment

A man Harvard hired to recover $5 million in rare coins stolen from the Fogg Museum in 1973 has reportedly

Two Harvard Professors Say Result of C.P.'s Parley Unclear

The director of Harvard's Russian Research Center said yesterday that the document issued Wednesday at the end of a two-day
