

James A. Sharaf

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The Tree Witch

I suppose that one of the functions of the Poets' Theatre is to produce bad plays by minor poets. There

On the Town

To the classic nouns of assemblage--"a gaggle of geese," "a pride of lions"--the English man of words Eric Partridge once

The Pirates of Penzance

The curtain went up for the first time last night at the Loeb Drama Center as the resident genie uncorked

Midsummer Night's Dream

The American Shakespeare Festival company is presenting a quite forgettable production. Consulting my program, I am reminded that they claim

Stages and Screens

Somewhere or other Shaw tells of a momentous discovery he once made: from the balcony of a theater of any


Identity Poetry has presented an issue of prose, and it leads one to wish the magazine would veer from verse


U.S.A. is a two-hour long play by John Dos Passos and Paul Shyre, based on Dos Passos's 1400 page novel

The Hole

The British playwright N. F. Simpson is not a raving lunatic, although that is the first impression his two plays

The Sorcerer

Going to Gilbert and Sullivan openings at Harvard is in some ways like watching a juggler perform. The local players


The dining hall was crowded and there was apparently no place else to sit so he slipped into the remaining

Pangloss Bookstore

"I'm not sure exactly how we picked the name 'Pangloss' for the store," said owner Herb Hillman. "Partially, I suppose,

Landscapes' Gardeners

At a publicly supported college, fear of offending the sensibilities of the local community is apt to lessen student freedom

'Men Working on the Frontiers of Knowledge'

Among the many scholars and teachers who hold permanent faculty appointments in the University, five hold a position which represents
