

Leslie J. Seifert

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Berkeley St. Residents Meet To Plan Fight Against Builder

Berkeley St. homeowners met last night to plan a strategy against a Cambridge developer who intends to tear down three

Susan Sontag Shows Her 1970 Film, Rejects 'Obsessions' in Earlier Works

Susan Sontag, novelist, essayist and film maker, brought her 1970 film "Brother Carl" to the Carpenter Center last night and

Harvard's Private Contributions Still Highest in Nation

Private financial donations to Harvard rose to $57.1 million last year, as Harvard remains the nation's leading recipient of gifts

Visiting Economist Sees Crisis In Collapse of Italian Regime

Political troubles in Britain, Germany, and Israel may have diverted public attention from Italian attempts to forge a new government.

University Contemplates Additional Energy Moves

The Business School and the Law School will extend their Christmas recesses by one week under fuel conservation plans announced

Revised Exam Calendar Will Require Athletic Dept. to Rearrange Schedules

Athletic Department officials face complex rescheduling problems as a result of the Faculty's decision to move exam period ahead by

Kirkland Group Sees Bok to Plan For Future Master

The Kirkland House subcommittee, inquiring into a replacement for retiring master Arthur Smithies, professor of Political Economy, offered President Bok
