

Charles M Kahn

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Rennie Davis and the Guru

I T was one of the better-dressed sets of hosts Lowell Lec had seen in a while. The ushers, each

Graduate Students to Find Out What Hot Drugs Do to Planes

A radioactive package has been loaded on the TWA flight. Two men, armed with Geiger counter and ionization chamber, run

Radical Davis Says Salvation Attainable Through Maharaj Ji

Much of the crowd that filled Lowell Lecture Hall last night had come less to hear the speech in honor

Students Claim Winthrop To Be Overpopulated

A group of Winthrop House students yesterday launched a campaign to reduce the number of Winthrop House residents next year.

Film Societies at Harvard or 'Deep Throat' as Education

W HEN THERE ARE 15 film societies on campus, there's bound to be trouble. And that figure only includes private

Harvard Religion: Gone Are the Halcyon Days

As a student at the Divinity School in 1965, Peter J. Gomes's first encounter with a Memorial Church service was

UMaine Sweeps Chess Tourney; Harvard Takes 2nd, 3rd Spots

The University of Maine at Orono made a clean sweep of the first places at the New England Intercollegiate Chess
