

Tom M. Levenson

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No Future for Pastimes

There are a few dates in any lifetime that burn their way into the brain, that remain etched in the

Men Last Again, Women Slip to Ninth

It was cold up at Dartmouth. Cold enough to preserve the trucked-in snow on the cross country course. Cold enough

Skiing Roundup

The word at Vermont's Winter Carnival, as everywhere else on the eastern seaboard, is snow. There isn't any, so Harvard's

If You Think Your Mama Can Cook

Memories of the day after Thanksgiving always fade by Christmas. You forget that horrible feeling that comes when your stomach

If Not Now, When?

O NCE UPON A TIME there was a small country that many Americans knew very well for many years. Thousands

And S.1 Begat...

I N THE MID SIXTIES, a man in Southern California was arrested for growing corn over seven feet high. Simultaneously,

Facing the Yellow Peril

I T HAS BEEN five years since Richard Nixon stepped off Air Force One into the forbidden city of Peking.

College...and Kids

"That time did come, when my children had gone to school, that I just felt that horrible feeling inside. I

After Midnight: Where Wild Things Go

T HE STRONGEST, MEANEST, hardest-looking queen I had ever seen loomed in the doorway. The restaurant came to a stop.

Counter-Revolution at Harvard

The real University is not a material object. It is not a group of buildings that can be defended by
