

Julia T. Reed

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Nader Attacks Monopolies, Criticizes Harvard Jurist

Ralph Nader charged Saturday in Washington that American business monopolies are bilking the public of billions of dollars annually and

Nader to Sponsor Harvard Group Investigating Small Claims Courts

Ralph Nader's Center for Auto Safety has agreed to sponsor a group of students and lawyers from Harvard and the

Housing Assignments Irk Leverett Men and Women

After a few false starts, Leverett House has reserved 25 places for women and managed to enroll at least 19

Authorities Identify Street Murder Youth

The young man who was shot and killed last Thursday night in front of Sanctuary on Mount Auburn St. was

Alumni Group Pressures Overseers Board Establishes Committee To Revise Election Procedures

Partly in response to a campaign waged by the Committee of Concerned Alumni (CCA), the Board of Overseers has voted

Journal of Afroamerican Affairs Debuts With Black Press Study

Three years after the last appearance of its predecessor, the Harvard Journal of Negro Affairs, the Harvard Journal of Afroamerican

Medina Comments on Calley's Conviction

"I think that all Americans must share in Lieutenant Calley's guilt," Capt. Ernest L. Medina said yesterday, "I wonder how

Leverett Visitor Leaves Case of Counterfeit Bills

Several Leverett House sophomores had a visitor last weekend who left Monday, leaving behind the luggage she came with. They

Newton-Cleaver Rift Threatens Panthers

Speaking from exile in Algiers, Eldridge Cleaver last month denounced Black Panther Chief of Staff David Hilliard as incompetent and

Attorneys Scan Photos For Evidence

University attorneys and administrators are evaluating photographic evidence, and hope to press criminal and possibly civil charges against the women

GSAS Changes Fellowships Policy

In response to charges of "institutional racism" from Thomas F. Pettigrew, professor of Social Relations, the GSAS has restructured the

Pettigrew Challenges 'Racism' Of GSAS Black Fellowship Plan

"This policy is the most classic, elegant example of institutional racism I have ever seen," Thomas F. Pettigrew, professor of

Debate Over Panther Deaths Continues

Speaking last Friday night at a Sanders Theatre benefit for the Black Panther Defense Committee. Charles R. Garry, attorney for

The Focus Blurs on the Trial in New Haven

IT IS going on four months since Bobby Seale and Ericka Huggins went on trial for their lives in New

Keeping Colonial Laos Profitable

WE DON'T call it a colony, but of course that's what it is, that little country which has just made
