

Paul G. Kleinman

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Protesters Hold Teach-In When Polaroid Head Cancels Lecture

About 60 students protesting the Polaroid Corporation's involvement in South Africa yesterday forced Edwin H. Land '29, Polaroid's president and

English Faculty Makes Major More Flexible

The English Department has created two specialized limited enrollment programs in addition to the regular English concentration. One option will

Science Group Will Picket Research I-Labs at M.I.T.

The New York chapter of Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action (SESPA) will picket the M.I.T. Instrumentation Labs

Meter Maids Will Patrol Parking Areas

The Harvard Parking Office has hired five crimson-clad meter maids in an effort to clamp down on widespread parking violations.

Science Museum Awards DeVore A $5000 Prize

The Boston Museum of Science has granted its $5000 Walker Award to B. Irven DeVore, professor of Anthropology, for his

'He's Gonna Win for Me, Ya Know?'

"Give me a horse!" -SHAKESPEARE, Richard III (Act IV, Scene iii) "THEY'RE nearing the gate... They're at the post... They're

Talking with Isaac Bashevis Singer

Isaac Bashevis Singer, author of Satan in Goray, The Magician of Lublin, and several collections of short stories, is the
