

Saritha Komatireddy

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Mercurial Mistakes

Now I’m not a fanatic environmentalist by any means, but some basic consideration for the health of the environment—and more

Farewell, FAO?

A friend and I recently walked through Harvard Square carrying a large stuffed dog named Schwarz. We anticipated looks, stares

Shuttles Strand Students Despite 24-Hour Pledge

After a long night studying at Cabot Library last week, Sarah L. Paiji ‘06 was standing at the Memorial Hall

Leaving vs. Leading: Debating Study Abroad

Stephanie R. Hurder ’06 had planned to spend her spring semester on the other side of the globe. But when

KSG Dean Touts ‘Soft Power’ Foreign Policy

The Kennedy School’s dean criticized America’s foreign policy for focusing too strongly on military force and intimidation in a speech

Panel Reflects on Said’s Legacy, Orientalism

Edward Said’s assault on orientalist thinking changed the way that societies examine foreign cultures, four experts said last night in

Harvard Must Recognize That Truth is Worldly

To the editors: In his Nov. 6 op-ed, “Bring Back the Dead White Men,” Luke Smith ’04 supports a purely
