

Ellen R. Pinchuk

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Long Day's Journey Into Night

Written by Eugene O'Neill Directed by Fred Pletcher In the Lowell House JCR this weekend L EGEND has it that

Kid's Stuff

Cinderella Directed by Betsy Menes At Currier tonight and tomorrow P RODUCING A FAIRY TALE in a college community is

Danse Macabre

Dancing On My Grave By Gelsey Kirkland Doubleday; 286 pp.; $17.95. G ELSEY KIRKLAND lived the dream of many young

Cinema Veritas

Directed by Jonathan Demme At USA Paris S OMETHING WILD joins the ranks of Blue Velvet and True Stories as

Emo Speaks

A TTEMPTING TO understand Emo Philips is like trying to rob Fort Knox--you may not get all of the gold,

Roll Over Grover

T HE FOLLOWING is based on actual experiences. The names have been changed to protect the obnoxious. 5 a.m.... Patty


Scapine Directed by Luke Fleckenstein At Adams House JCR tonight and tomorrow Y OU'RE STUDYING for next week's midterms, debating

Cinema Veritas

Directed by Nadia Tass At the USA Copley Place W HAT HAPPENS when a weird guy with a gift for

Down Under Delight

"Crocodile" Dundee Directed by Peter Faiman At USA Cheri T HERE'S ONLY ONE feasible explanation why "Crocodile" Dundee earned $8
