

Evan M. Supcoff

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Has the Foundation Gone Far Enough?

When the Harvard Foundation was created in 1981 to improve race relations at the University, student organizations boycotted it as

Black Leadership Fails, Professor Writes

Contemporary Black leaders are ineffective in addressing current problems in the Afro-American community, according to a Kennedy School professor writing

Author Examines Black Women Politicians

Black women with political aspirations must run for office in areas with significant Black populations if they hope to succeed,

The Crimson's Black Record

Three prominent minority alumni yesterday offered a more sobering view of Harvard than that portrayed at most of this week's


While February's highly publicized Festival of Life may have led many people at Harvard to consider the impact of the

W.E.B. DuBois Society Discusses Role of Black Intellectuals

Black intellectuals should "not get caught in a captivating bureaucratic university, but in some way associate with whatever feeble attempts

Yale Sociology Prof Picked for B-School Entrepreneur Chair

A Yale professor of sociology has been picked to fill a new Business School chair devoted to entrepreneurship, officials said

At Student-Hosted Round-Table, Experts Seek Solutions to Hunger

Developing countries must implement policy and institutional changes as well as technological advances if they are to find long term

Brown TV

Princeton has Brooke Shields and Yale has Jennifer Beals. But next semester, Brown University may claim its share of Hollywood

Framingham Drug Bust

Three Framingham State College students were arrested last week on drug-trafficking charges, after a 90-day undercover investigation by the Framingham
