

Carol P. Lurie

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Med School Forum Skirts Controversy On National Health

Three major and controversial health insurance legislative proposals were discussed last night at a Medicine and Society Forum at the

Boston State College: Power and Politics

At Boston State College, a decade-long ideological battle between the state-affiliated administration and an alliance of students and faculty members

Protestors From Boston State Disrupt State College Trustees

Seventy-five demonstrators disrupted a meeting of the Board of Trustees of State Colleges yesterday to protest alleged racism, political firings

Volunteers to Fill Sophomore Places In Yard Next Fall

No members of the Class of 1977 will be forced to live in the Yard against their will next year.

Movie Promoters Bill Wayne As 'Harvard Man of the Year'

John Wayne was billed as "Harvard's Man of the Year" in a half-page advertisement for his new movie, "McQ," in
