

Richard P. Nagel

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McNulty and Owens Win Elections for '80 Marshals

Seniors this week elected Thad L. McNulty '80 of Eliot House and Elizabeth Owens '80 of Lowell House as First

Students Prepare Computer Courses For Core Program

Undergraduate teaching assistants are currently offering computer mini-courses aimed at developing classes students can take to fulfill part of their

URI Students Discuss Alleged Rapes

Students at a forum on sexual harassment at the University of Rhode Island (URI) last night questioned the adequacy of

Seminar Restricted

Prize-winning classical pianist Alexis Weissenberg gave a piano workshop-seminar in Holmes Hall living room at Monday night, as the second

Sox Loss Means Lost Bet For Bok: Will Pay in Beans

President Bok, and three other Boston-area university presidents, lost their World Series bets with Warren G. Bennis, president of the

Radcliffe Teams Might Change Names to 'Harvard-Radcliffe'

The women's field hockey team has voted to change its name from the "Radcliffe" hockey team to the "Harvard-Radcliffe" team

Visiting Chinese Astrophysicists Confer With Harvard Scientists

Six scientists from the People's Republic of China visited the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics on Monday as part of a
