

James R. Beniger

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Yogurt Price Protester Is Arrested

University police arrested a Harvard student on the steps of Lehman Hall yesterday for selling pints of yogurt in a

Many Problems Confronted The Class of '18

After Commencement '68, many Harvard seniors will lose their 2-S student draft deferements, and the war in Vietnam will scatter

Honorary Degree Candidates Unreliably Revealed; Students to Sabotage 'Coming-Out' Commencement

Harvard activists are not quite certain what they want commencement '68 to be, but they are agreed that it will

McCarthy Staff Sends Volunteers Back East

MILWAUKEE, Wis. Thursday, March 28--Despite serious shortages of volunteer canvassers, Senator Eugene J. McCarthy's Wisconsin headquarters continues to turn away


MADISON, Wisc., March 27--"POLITICS MAKES STRANGE BEDFELLOWS," reads a sign requesting housing for student volunteers in the McCarthy For President

A View of Wisconsin

S PRING comes late to Wisconsin, and northern farmers often wait well into April for the first robin, which heralds

'Times' Will Sue Poonies for $175,000; Justice Officials to Investigate Parody

The New York Times Company announced yesterday afternoon that it will sue the Harvard Lampoon for $175,000 for "willful deceit,

Hetero, Homo, Sado and Pseudo: Skin Flicks Offer All Perversions

T AKE the MTA one stop past Park to Washington Station. Let the fat ladies with shopping bags sweep you


A T the State Department Building in Washington's Foggy Bottom, office windows glow far into the night. Presidential address-drafters (Contingency

The Lampoon

"ANNIHILATION," announces the latest Lampoon, "is the intriguing game of intercontinental devastation designed to delight both adults and children." Any

2 Students Criticize History 164b; May Schedules 'Open Discussion'

Two leaders of Students for a Democratic Society have written a critique of History 164b--"the United States in World Politics"--charging

Chuck Berry: Old-Time Music Grows Old

I first notice him standing under a single fluorescent light in a back corner of the shadowy basement night club.

Smithies, Walzer, and Peretz Discuss the Five R's: Recruitment, ROTC, Ranking, Research and Relationship

"W E shall discuss the issues you have raised here," Dean Glimp told the crowd of 300 students sitting-in against

Crimson's Ruggers Trim Green, 10-3; Tupouniua, Wilson, Wise Pace Attack

Harvard's undefeated ruggers rolled over the Green this morning at Soldier's Field, 10-3. With Harvard down 3-0 in the closing

Meeting Following Sit-In Declares Plan of Action

A group of about 300 demonstrators met in Mallinckrodt Hall last night and agreed to four demands which it says
