

Richard E. Ashcraft

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Man Cannot Live...

Admittedly, it was an extreme rarity that Dilworth Waterby should even consider arising for Sunday breakfast. In fact, Dilworth had

A New England Professor

Almost extinct in these troubled times is the breed of college professors who, against the somber stereotype of their profession,

Confessions of a Cockeyed Artist

Armed with a finely tempered wit, a keenly observant eye, and a talent for expressing both, cartoonist Jules Feiffer breezed

Rebel Without a Cause

Following on the heels of East of Eden, the Brattle's showing this week is the second in the trilogy of


"To provide undergraduates with a medium for free, creative expression," to "bring to a new audience . . .," "to

Varsity Five Rallies, Defeats Lions, 80-75, In Overtime Session

NEW YORK, Feb. 6-The Crimson quintet managed to tie a tenacious Columbia team in the final three seconds of regulation

Quincy Rises, Harvard Smashes Yale: A Parting Glimpse of Fall Term '58 Exams Close the Term

Sprawled across a wide-screen horizon the events of 1958 moved slowly to their completion with various actors seeking their Oscars.


With the plague of exams come upon us, athletics at Harvard have reached the low point of the year. Probably

Look Back in Anger

"Conformity and conformism are old and deeply ingrained characteristics of American Society," he said as he poured the loose pipe

Lattimore Hits American Apathy On Formosa, Far East Problems

Owen Lattimore, Lecturer on the Far East at Johns Hopkins University, last night attacked the American public's failure to discuss

Egg in Your Beer

When the snow begins to fall the crew takes to Weld Boathouse, and the ski team heads for the hills

Go, Go, Go Club

"Did you bring your set?" "Sorry, man, I left my drums at home. I travel light, but I'm all set

Council Votes For Creation Of New Trust Fund

The Student Council voted 8 to 5 last night to recommend that the new Council be financed by a trust

Lattimore May Reside At Lowell in December

Owen Lattimore, an authority and Lecturer on the Far East at Johns Hopkins University, has expressed a desire to visit

Council Bars NSA Re-Vote In 8 to 5 Split

Despite charges of "covering up" and hints of a whitewash by several Council members, the Student Council voted 8 to
