

John R. Adler

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Monro Foresees Harvard Building Nigerian School

If the "wild dream" is the minds of several University administrators and a memorandum being circulated among directors of the

Gov't. Theses May Be Due In December

Juniors in the Government Department may begin preparing their Honors theses in February and have them due the following December,

Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger recalls that several years ago he was asked by a CRIMSON reporter whether he ever put propaganda into

Sextet Trounces Princeton, 9-2 To Clinch Ivy Hockey Crown

The Crimson hockey team gave away two first period goals to an aroused Princeton sextet, then came back to win

Sextet May Clinch Ivy Title Tonight Against Princeton in Last Home Game

Tonight at Watson Rink the Crimson sextet will seek to ride the back of a Tiger for sixty minutes without

Few Students Attracted by M.I.T. Course

The head of an M.I.T. course on "Problems of Disarmament and Arms Control," Lincoln Bloomfield '41, has expressed "surprise" that

Aron Criticizes de Gaulle, FLN For Algerian Political Stalemate

Raymond Aron yesterday drew a picture of the political realities which for six years have stalemated the in Algeria. An

Joan Baez

To those who recall Joan Baez's entrance upon the Cambridge scene late in 1958, her first solo record offers proof

Faculty Backs Kennedy, 2 to 1; Tops Stevenson's Margin in '56

The Faculty has voted support for John F. Kennedy by a margin of more than two-to-one. With over half of

Crimson to Meet Dartmouth Sextet In Crucial Game

Dartmouth Winter Carnival is hell. At least it's a hell of a time to play an important hockey game at

Write-In Rocky Group Organizes

A group of Ivy League Rockefeller enthusiasts, headed by Benson D. Scotch 2L, is planning an attempt to bring back

Sextet to Play

The Brown hockey team is like a second-hand car; it works fine in its own backyard, but on the road

Sextet Will Play

No one but coach Cooney Weiland remembers it, but the hockey team has played Norwich before--once. Tonight the Cadets will

Sextet Tops Cornell, Upsets Clarkson, 5-1

Clarkson wings saw nothing but their opposite Crimson forwards for 60 minutes Friday night, as the varsity hockey team put

Better Things for Better Living

"Conversation about the weather have been held with a 650 Computer of the I.B.M. Corporation at the Computations Center of
