Jendi B. Reiter
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Bible Detectors
W e've all seen those bright-eyed representatives from the Gideon Bible company standing inside the Yard gates and handing out
'To Peaceably Assemble'
W hen Dr. David Gunn was shot last month outside the abortion clinic where he worked, pro-choice forces treated the
Respecting Good Fences
D iversity in the curriculum and in the faculty improves the quality of education. So does lack of diversity. Contradictory
A Gentleman's 'B+'
W e're smart, we're talented, and doggone it, people like us (or at least we like ourselves). But every so
Noble Principles, Misguided Protests
W hat do the Ku Klux Klan and the Boy Scouts have in common? Not much. But recently, the fight
An Unhealthy Generosity
I magine you were the head of a family and a sick vagrant knocked on your door one night asking
Public and Private Schools of Thought
I magine a society in which only the affluent could buy their own shoes. The poor and a significant percentage
Give Government a Chance
A t the risk of provoking another letter exposing my crypto-liberalism, I confess that I find the country's present mood
Making Scapegoats of the Goats
I s ritual animal sacrifice protected by the First Amendment? A recent case centering on this question gives the Supreme
Gas Pains for Long-Winded Candidates
S enator Al Gore '68 has written that he'd like to see the internal combustion engine made obsolete in 25
Choose or Lose
T he economic argument in favor of school choice rests on the simple principle that parents who are paying tax
Boys Will Be Boys
P icture this: A female while student threatens to charge Alpha Kappa Alpha, the black sorority, with discrimination unless they
Opportunities? Yes. Quotas? No.
H arvard wants diversity? Fine. But offering prospective first-years prizes for their skin color is a patronizing and superficial approach,
Home Alone
M edia pundits and other observers have derided President Bush's recent veto of the family leave bill as evidence of
The Tricky Language of Child Abuse
S HOULD FETUSES BE counted among the victims of child abuse? A recent court case in Hartford, Conn. has brought