

Mercedes A. Laing

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More Women, Minorities Apply to Class of 1980; Recruiting Drive Credited

Minority applications to the Class of 1980 rose slightly from last year, while the number of women applicants rose to


Sweat and paint and Rayette Hairspray sat heavily in the air. A girl with brown lines painted on her face

Down From the Farm

Ruby L. Holloway '78 has spent half her life abroad, following her father, a retired Air Force major, around from

An Exacter Science

On the surface, the 1974 Buckley Amendment, giving students a chance to see confidential material in their files, seems a

No Easy Answers for The Alumni

Admissions officers used the phrases "minority recruiting," "special recruiting" and "recruiting students from non-traditional backgrounds" interchangeably at last weekend's conference

Alumni Urged to Recruit Minorities

President Bok told 200 alumni recruiters last night "where Harvard is going, and why it matters so much." Speaking with

Voter's in Jersey, New York, Defeat State-Wide ERA's

New York and New Jersey voters dealt the federal Equal Rights Amendment two blows yesterday by decisively rejecting referendums on

Black Students at Harvard: A Problem Of Image

Sambo, Aunt Jemima, Amos and Andy--historically, blacks have been conscious of public images of themselves because these images have had

Evans to Survey Black Students About Their Experiences Here

David L. Evans, senior admissions officer, said yesterday he will conduct a survey of black students and alumni from the

Laxwomen Bow to Huskies

The Radcliffe lacrosse team played a strong game yesterday, but bowed to a tough Northeastern squad, 9-6. "It's the first

CTOC Rent Action Commences Today; Rent Increase Due

A rent action urging non-payment of a citywide rent hike will begin today, a Cambridge Tenants' Organizing Committee spokesman said

College Fund Needs $1.8 Million More To Reach '75 Goal

Incoming donations for the Harvard College Fund must total $1.8 million in the next two months for the fund to

Embree to Represent Harvard In High Jump at Penn Relays

Junior high-jumper Mel Embree is Harvard's sole entry in today's prestigious Penn Relays at the University of Pennsylvania's Franklin Field.

CTOC Sues Rent Board Five, Challenges Pending Rent Hike

The Cambridge Tenants Organizing Committee (CTOC) is filing suit today in federal court against the five members of the Cambridge

Admissions Committees Test Equal Access on N.J. Applicants

The Harvard and Radcliffe admissions offices this year considered New Jersey applications without regard to sex, in an experiment that
