

William E. Stedman

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Berg Rejoins Race for Olympic Berth

"By the first race in the US Olympic trials ... some 360 small-boat skippers and crews in 180 boats in

Rock Steady

The Charles River is not like the Gulf Stream, springtime in New England is very different from spring in Florida

Rock Steady

It's been six years since the Harvard hockey team has gone into the ECAC Division I hockey tournament as an

Rock Steady

In the annual winter whirlwind affair between Harvard and Boston University, the first date doesn't mean that much. Sure, the

Rock Steady

ROCK'S PROFILES * (Pronounced R-O-C-K, like jock) HOME: Cherry Hills, N.J. AGE: 21 PREP SCHOOL: Camden Catholic MAJOR: History PROFESSION:

Rock Steady

Mike Lynch does not exactly evoke any memories of former Harvard kicking greats Charlie Brickley (1912-14), Richie Szaro (1968-70) or

Rock Steady

The Key, now, is not to get too excited. Don't fly off the handle. Just because Harvard won its soccer

Mike Fahey Jinxes Harvard Batters, Pitches Brandeis to 4-1 GBL Victory

Mike Fahey came back to haunt Harvard yesterday. The 5 ft. 11 in poltergeist from Branders (who scored 25 points

Harvard Batters Yale Pitching

"If I feel one drop of rain, just one drop," home plate umpire Giles. Threadgold said after two and a

Rock Steady

Until last Tuesday night, Danny Bolduc had blended in among the faces in the crowd of Crimson hockey players that

Inflation, Gimmicks Mark 100th Year Of Harvard Football

"The McGill University Football Club will meet the Harvard Club on Jarvis Field, Wednesday and Thursday, May 14 and 15.

Harvard Wins Three Games

The Harvard baseball team, faced with three do-or-die games this weekend to keep alive title hopes, swept a double-header from

B.U. Tops Cornell, 7-3; Terriers to Face Harvard

Boston University earned a rematch with Harvard tonight in the ECAC finals by crushing Cornell in convincing fashion, 7-3. Vic

Icemen Demolish Big Bad Bruins, 6-1 Brown Picks Up More Penalties Than Shots

If Harvard had played last night's hockey game without a goalie, Brown would have won it by only five goals.

Sailors Win First, Garner 3 Seconds In Weekend Races

To paraphrase an old sports cliche, "finishing second in a sailing meet is like kissing your sister." The strong Crimson
