

Jay E. Golan

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On the Right Track

T HE HARVARD-RADCLIFFE ORCHESTRA, like most groups, always shows a great improvement throughout the year, as members learn to play

Familiarity Breeds Respect

T HE HARVARD GROUP FOR NEW MUSIC is a crusader for the performance and reception of contemporary music. The group's

The World's Best

T HE FIRST concert in the 1976-1977 season of the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra almost requires two different reviews. The HRO, conducted

Take the 'A' Train

T IRED OF SITTING in that cell with an enormous desk and a Soc Sci 2 reading list? Ready for

All the talent you'll ever want to see

Maybe you want to compare the sounds of some other orchestras with that of the Boston Symphony. Or maybe you've

classical music

If you're like most people, listening to a lot of contemporary music leaves you frustrated and guilty; frustrated that you


It wasn't really the Harvard Summer School Chamber Players that performed in Sanders Theater on Tuesday night. Its members were
