

Paul Davison

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The Clubowner said, "Well, we'll do a thing at the door and I'll split with you the receipts, depending on

Kansas City Lovin'

T HE VERY THINGS that make jazz documentaries attractive to jazz fans can make them intolerable to anyone else. "Authentic

Fiddler off the Roof

L EROY JENKINS, who will perform at Jonathan Swift's next Monday and Tuesday on a double bill with the Art

Jazzing Up an Old Age

W RITING ABOUT JAZZ is a perverse activity. It's like killing a mockingbird--you learn little by the autopsy of music

'Great Black Music' Comes of Age

F RIDAY evening the Church of the Covenant in Boston was the scene of an extraordinary spectacle. Hundreds of people

Uncharted Multipotential Planes

The coming week offers a smorgasbord of activities of interest to the Boston jazz fan; for once it is not

Mingus at Eight

Friday at 8 p.m., the Harvard University Jazz Band will present a program of the music of Charles Mingus. The

Two Shades of Piano

The glossy promotional hype surrounding the Boston Globe Jazz Festival has all but ignored the Festival's "Tribute to Bird, Coltrane

Welcome Back, Charles

W HEN the great man came to New York in the early '50s, they called him Charlie Mingus. A few

Lost In Eternity

T HIS HANDSOME four-disc set would look classy on the stuffiest of record shelves--I keep mine next to my Concert
