

Wendy Lesser

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The Business

Cambridge literati tend to forget that selling used books is basically just another business. There are plenty of things to

A History Lesson

H ISTORICAL DRAMAS are difficult to bring alive. Unless the audience has a highly improbable passion for historical facts, the

Drama from Post-War Poland

N O COUNTRY IN THE WORLD is producing drama as exciting as the stuff that has come out of post-war

The Mime Speaks

A N INTERVIEW WITH a mime? Sounds contradictory. But in fact David Fechtor is one of the more verbal people

Rex As Rex

E VERY YEAR AT ABOUT this time you overhear the same conversation in the dining hall: "What's your thesis about?"

Lunch with Mrs. Emmett

L UCKILY I HAVE a friend named Mrs. Emmett, Class of 1907, who insists on keeping informed about what young

During the Fall

F OLLOWING THE LATEST stage trend of religion-mongering, Arthur Miller has given us yet another modernization of the Bible, specifically
