

Nehama Jacobs

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Senior Women, Grad Students Meet To Discuss Protest at Commencement

The Radcliffe Class Day oration will be a collectively-written summary of women's protests against University hiring and educational practices, the

Government Professor to Host Birthday Party for Kissinger

The best--and presumably the brightest--of the friends of Henry Kissinger '50, will gather at the Colony Club in New York

Watergate Keeps Opening

The textured web of the Watergate controversy grew more tangled this week amid presidential confessions and dramatic congressional hearings. President

University to Revise Pensions, To Adhere to New Federal Act

A massively-revised pension plan for all University appointees will be presented to the Corporation for "routine approval," Hale Champion, vice

Construction to Begin on New Library

Groundbreaking ceremonies are being held today for the $1.6 million Peabody Museum library addition. The new library--scheduled for completion in

Black Women Expose 'Myths' At Symposium

The first--and possibly the last--Radcliffe-sponsored symposium on black women drew 200 participants to Agassiz Theatre over the weekend. Fifty-two participants

Harvard Guarantees Housing To Displaced Boston Tenants

Approximately 800 housing units -- 500 of them low-income -- will be constructed on a ten acre site in Boston
