

Stephen Addiss

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Three Centuries of Opera

The Harvard Opera Guild has shown good sense in choosing three short operas for its spring presentation. Not only are

The Bach Society Orchestra

It would be hard to imagine a better program than the one played by the Bach Society Orchestra Sunday night.

Adams House Concert

Thesis: the Radcliffe Freshman Chorus singing a cappella. Antithesis: several local instrumentalists playing baroque sonatas. Synthesis: the Chorus and a

Two House Concerts

Last week was enlivened by two rather unusual and entertaining concerts in the Houses. The first was at DunsterHouse on

A Tree On The Plains

The step from presenting Gilbert and Sullivan to presenting opera is a difficult and admirable one, and the Student Fellowship

Baroque Albums

Rameau--Complete Harpsichord Music The curious duality of Rameau consists of the stern formalization of his harmony combined with his quaint

Sarah Jane Smith

It has been a pleasure to watch the art of Sarah Jane Smith grow over the years. She has always

Music Festival

The Coronation of Poppea The second night of the weekend music festival was given over to Monteverdi's Coronation of Poppea.

O'Day, Conner, and London

During the Second World War a record sold one-and-a-half million copies; the tune was "Let Me Off Uptown;" the singer,

Another Barber

The alternate cast for the Barber of Seville is easily as strong as that of opening night. Dominating the performance

The Barber of Seville

There are few operas more consistently delightful than The Barber of Seville. Fashioned from Beaumarchais' sprightly comedy of aristocratic highjinks,

The Bach Society Orchestra

The usefulness of a medium-sized orchestra was ably demonstrated Sunday night in Paine Hall. Since most Baroque and Classical music

The Lady and Her Sources and The Bald Soprano

A curious combination of comedies is the new presentation at the Poet's Theater. Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano is almost

Two Comic Operas

The double bill at Kirkland House is a perfect escape for anyone tired of studying. And who isn't? The project

Three Modern Composers

The recent cultural exchange that gave us concerts by several Russian musicians has also produced a number of outstanding records.
