

Julia M. Klein

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Between Lives

O LD TIMES mean good times. The newspaper staffers in Between the Lines long for the return of a golden

A Nervous Romance

W OODY ALLEN has finally become sexy. All right--maybe not exactly sexy. But certainly Allen's new film Annie Hall is

Up From the Coal Mines

B ECAUSE I insist on being one thing, it doesn't mean I've to deny being another," declares one of the

Smiles on a Summer Night

T HE SUMMER NIGHT has three smiles: one for the young, one for the fools and one for the old.

More Functional Than Aesthetic

L OVE IS a plaintive song, and its object in Patience is the aesthete. A band of smitten maidens troops

A Place To Come To

T IME PAST AND TIME PRESENT: neither can impinge on the solitude of Jed Tewksbury. Jed clings to his solitude

Through a Glass, Bluely

F ROM THE BLUE underworld of guilty fantasy to the idyllic greens and pinks of Providence, where all is forgiven,

Masks and Machetes

I N CHINON, Christmas is bitter. The season of peace and love brings the family of Henry II together only


H OLLYWOOD OF THE 1930s is a vast, vulgar and meretricious beauty, and Monroe Stahr, boy wonder, is at her

Sniffing Out a Trail

W HEN NORTHROP FRYE began drawing his circles, representing the cycle of nature, on the blackboard of Burr B two

Portrait of the Young Artist

A S A CHILD, I remember listening to records of Dylan Thomas reading his own poetry. The voice on those

Behind every great man

T HE ART of history is the art of deception," Albert Fried has one of the characters in The Prescott

The Very Model of an Operetta

W HEN DUTY CALLS, Frederic follows. Duty can be a harsh taskmaster, and in The Pirates of Penzance her demands

Saints and Sinners

S PEAKING OF SIR THOMAS More, Samuel Johnson once wrote, "He was the person of the greatest virtue these islands


T HE MOOD IS quiet, subdued. A husband is questioning his wife about her old friend, Anna, who is due
