

Marco L. Quazzo

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Fuscos Chosen for U.S. Hockey Team

Harvard hockey player Mark Fusco, a defenseman, moved one step further along the road to Sarajevo. Yugoslavia, site of the

Harvard Athletes Depart For Greener Pastures

In the other Cambridge--the one in England--students adopt a different approach to the completion of the academic year. In contrast

Campbell Rogers

Campbell Rogers is not one to take his sport lightly. He practices two hours every day on the Charles River,

Harry Parker: Back in the Saddle

The setting was Harry Parker's closet office in the Boathouse early last fall. And the subject, of course, was Harvard

Intramural Crew Faces Contests and Controversy

"Champagne!" coxswain Nina Streetet yelled to the fans on the banks of the Charles, and for Eliot House's intramural crews

Heavies Top UCLA, Set for Sprints

In the rowing world this weekened East met West, and contract to what Jim Morrison might sing, on the waters

Heavies Surprise Navy; Tigers, Elis Top Lights

Just when Harvard's rivals thought it was safe to go back onto the water--the men's heavy weight crew proved otherwise

Princeton Upsets Heavies; Lightweights Blast Navy

Once upon a time the weekend races in April served merely as a tuneup for the Harvard heavyweight crew. The

Oarsmen Storm Past Brown; MIT Upsets Lights

"It's hard to beat a Harry Parker heat in these conditions" A dropping spectator, after watching the race Consistency and

Crimson Heavies Row for Stein Cup Today

The Brown heavyweght crew team's arrival on the banks of the Charles today would normally elicit a yawn from the

Crews Hit Rough Waters, Weak Rivals in Openers

The Harvard heavy weight crew team has never had much trouble with Northeastern, sporting an unbeaten streak going back 16

Not Everyone Is Talking Hockey

You may have heard there are going to be some hockey games at Bright Center this weekend. In fact, that

Fun in the Old World

I t didn't take long for me to realize that Italy was different. I had landed an internship with Coca-Cola

Netmen Take Home Opener, Roll Over Ohio State, 6-3

A few scattered balloons hovered over the action Saturday, remnants from a dance marathon two weeks ago clinging forlornly to

Netmen Open Season Today

Harvard men's assistant tennis Coach Tom Glenn, filling in for Dave Fish, has every reason to be confident going into
