

John P. Demos

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Freshman Seminars: A Hunt For Intellectual Excitement

Since the two words "Freshman Program" first came into common usage around the Cambridge Community last spring, they have been

Johnson Leads Crimson To 10-0 Win Over Yale

The varsity baseball team closed out its home season yesterday afternoon with a most gratifying victory over Yale. Two thousand

Wadsworth Will Start For Nine Against Elis

The varsity baseball team will tackle Yale at Soldiers Field this afternoon, amid all the pomp and circumstance that traditionally

Mrs. Bunting Will Become Radcliffe President in 1960

Mrs. Mary I. Bunting, a dean at Rutgers University, will become the next President of Radcliffe. The official announcement was

Inconsistent Crimson Baseball Team Stands 13-9 With Five Games To Go

Anybody who tries to formulate some "definitive" conclusions about the 1959 Harvard baseball team, when it still has five games

Dean of Students at Rutgers May Become Next Radcliffe President

Mrs. Mary I. Bunting, currently the Dean of Students at Rutgers, will probably become the next President of Radcliffe, according

Baseball Team Meets Dartmouth; B.U. Game Yesterday Rained Out

Deprived, by the elements, of an easy victory yesterday afternoon, the varsity baseball team will hope for better luck when

Wadsworth to Pitch For Crimson Team Against B.U. Today

The steadily-improving varsity base-ball team will take on Boston University at Soldiers Field this afternoon, with crucial Eastern League games

Error-Ridden Varsity Nine Loses To Powerful Brown Team, 6-0

The varsity baseball team ran into an extremely fine pitcher at Brown yesterday afternoon and came off on the short

Baseball Varsity To Meet Brown

Riding high after four consecutive victories, the varsity baseball team will get a very stern test when it faces Brown

Baseball Team Wins Two Contests As Princeton, Columbia Nines Bow

NEW YORK, May 1--The varsity baseball team muddled through to an 8-6 victory at Columbia this afternoon, in what must


Baseball practice had run to more than three hours yesterday afternoon, when Norman Shepard finally called a halt and headed

Flying Club Offers Charter Trips At Cost to Any Points in Area

The Harvard Flying Club hopes to begin immediately the "air taxi service" advertised in the CRIMSON earlier this week, according

12 Teams Prepare for Meets This Week

Even as most undergraduates are reaching the climax of their annual post-exam binges, 12 Harvard athletic squads will swing back

Tight Little Island

Last week the Political Committee of the United Nations began discussion of "the Cyprus problem." This is the fifth straight
