

William H. Reynolds

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Former Diplomat Predicts New U.S. Mid-East Policy

The U.S. must adjust its policy supporting Israel in order to assure peace in the Persian Gulf and the flow

Japanese Give University $1 Million

The Japanese government will give Harvard $1 million to promote Japanese studies, the country's ambassador to the United States said

Radcliffe Crew Prepares for Moscow After Easy Canadian Henley Victory

Determination and spirit have made the Radcliffe crew an international rowing power. Winners of the Canadian Henley Regatta, they are

Welles and Workers Renew Negotiations On Union Demands

Employees and management of the Orson Welles resumed negotiations last Friday in a renewed attempt to settle a five-month-old dispute

J.V. Heavyweights Victorious In Royal Henley Crew Regatta

Harvard's junior varsity crew swept to an easy victory Saturday to bring home the Ladies Challenge Cup from the historic
