

Kerry Gruson

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Ina Hahn Company

P EOPLE, artists and non-artists alike, have tended to look on artists and their work as something very special, something


M OLIERE'S comedy La Tartuffe is unchallengeably a classic, and that is what the French Company, Le Treteau de Paris

Straight Talk

T HE PARIS PEACE TALKS have been dragging on now for almost four months, and despite Harriman's hopeful "straws in

There Was a Revolution at Radcliffe

Students looking for change at Harvard this year have focused their attention on red brick Massachusetts Hall, Harvard's oldest building,


WASHINGTON, D.C., June 8--Amidst hysterical sorrow and calm remembrance, the ceremonies planned for the funeral of Robert F. Kennedy '48

Dance Concert

Ugliness, deliberate, sustained ugliness is surely a sin, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Dance Concert at the Loeb last weekend was just

March to Marks

L AST Thursday the mayor of Marks, Mississippi faced national TV cameras with a furrowed brow. In Memphis, The Rev.

105 Cliffies Decry Fund Solicitation

More than 100 Radcliffe seniors--a third of the graduating class--have signed a letter stating that they "have serious reservations" about

Experts Score Report's Assumptions

The Riot Report's severest critics argue that sloppy research leads the Commission to base its Report on many questionable assumptions.

Harvard Urbanologists Debate Riot Report

When the President's Riot Commission Report reached Cambridge in early March, most of Harvard's urbanologists were pleasantly shocked by its

Experts Divided on Riot Report

Harvard's sociologists are greeting the Report of the National Commission on Civil Disorders (the Riot Commission Report) with reactions ranging

Elements of Dance

A REMARKABLE group of dancers, musicians and light technicians, building on the truism that "Action of one medium influences events

Lunch at the Waldorf

A COLUMNIST, in one of those flip phrases that brand decades, called this "a woman's era." The tag seemed particularly

ABC's of Failure

A CCORDING to United Nations statistics, fifty per cent of the world's population was illiterate in 1950, in 1960 the

RUS: Sweetness

"T HEY wanted confrontation; we want to cooperate." That's the difference between the RUS's first officers and the people who
