

Sophie A. Krasik

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Stadium Meeting Votes to Strike, Backs Teaching Fellow Proposals

A majority of the people gathered in Soliders' Field yesterday afternoon approved by a large voice vote all teaching fellow

Two Harvard Pastors Quit To Launch Joint Ministry

Rev. Richard E. Mumma, Harvard's Presbyterian pastor, and Rev. Howard Fish, Congregational minister to the University, have resigned to open

One-Fourth of College Uses Pass-Fail Option

Just over a quarter of Harvard and Radcliffe undergraduates--1646 students--are taking one of their courses this Fall under the new

Coop Conflict Raises Doubt On Both Ends

Following the Coop opposition slate's defeat Wednesday, both the opposition and Coop officials are raising questions about election procedure. Stephen

Dillon New Overseers' Head

C. Douglas Dillon '31, Secretary of the Treasury in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, has succeeded David Rockefeller '36 as

Pass-Fail Does Not Crowd Many of Popular Courses

A preliminary survey indicates that pass-fail students have not poured into some of the courses most popular with non-concentrators. When

Strike May Hit Radcliffe After Council Meets Oct. 7

Radcliffe maintenance, housekeeping, and dining hall workers voted yesterday to strike the College but later agreed to postpone action until

Revamped Language Rules Alter Course Enrollments

Last spring's revision of the College's language requirement has caused apparent shifts in lower-level course enrollment in four major languages,

Black Colleges Invite 20 Visiting Professors

Under a Federally-funded program, 20 professors from leading American colleges and universities will each teach one semester at a predominantly

Soc Rel Faculty Votes Concentration Changes, Honors Without Thesis

The Social Relations Faculty this week approved curriculum changes which will allow honors concentrators to substitute one full graduate-level course

Yale Div. Urges Entering Students To Reject IV-D

The Yale Divinity School will officially urge its entering class next fall to reject their IV-D draft exemptions. But "there

Law Faculty and Soc Rel To Offer Courses on Viet

The Vietnam war will be the focus of two new courses in the Spring term--one in the Social Relations department

'Calling Out Around the World': Dancing Adds a New Dimension to Psychotherapy

"During one dance therapy session, a young man suddenly smiled and said, 'If I could have kept moving, I would
