

Mark L. Krupnick

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Mary McCarthy

A near-capacity crowd showed up last night at Sanders Theatre to hear a woman who is a phenomenon of our

The Current

The Current is a handsomely designed magazine published four times a year by the Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Club. Although describing itself


Sixteen years ago a wealthy, eccentric English barrister name Roland Berrill organized Mensa, a club to be composed of men

Student Involvement in Course Work Hurt by Lack of Dialogue With Teachers

This is the rhythm of academic work: 12 weeks of lectures, followed by reading period with a term paper of

David Donald, Princeton Historian

It has been a great year for "Gone With the Wind," and for thousands of free-lance magazine writers, newspapermen, Chamber

Summer School Faculty Profile: Stanford Professor David Levin

David Levin, now 36 years old and a visiting professor of English in the Summer School, first came to Harvard

Eliotic Cinemantics

The camera's eye pans over the ravages of a Lost Weekend in Eliot House, as seven bleary-eyed dissipates scratch their

Attacks Ethics Behind Eichmann Trial

Handlin, professor of History, reasserted the ancient Jewish faith in moral law last night and accused Isreal of deviating from


"To the student Twirckoff, Yom Kippur was always a day of dread." Thus begins Mark Mirsky's short story, "Lukshin Kugel"

Raymond Aron

France's leading political observer was discussing the current national scene last night in his suite at Leverett House. Here for

Reporters Predict Kennedy Win In Important New York Contest

As recently as two weeks ago, James Reston was able to write in his New York Times column that of

Tigers Defeat Quintet As Fan Slugs Repetto

PRINCETON, N. J., Feb. 28--George Harrington played one of the finest games of a distinguished college career tonight, but the

Penn Mauls Varsity Five In One-Sided 73-53 Game

PHILADELPHIA--The City of Brotherly Love met a stinging rejection in Washington on this balmy spring-like afternoon, but redeemed itself in


"We are in the midst of an enormous conflagration burning everything into ashes.... Western culture is covered by a blackout.

Lavish Celebrations Mark Second Year of 'Program'

"Two of my roommates got thrown out for heaving a stink bomb at a freshman dance, and the third left
