

Susan A. Manning

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The Logic of Movement

A VANTE-GARDE. A hackneyed phrase but appropriate enough as a description of the Trisha Brown Company and its riveting three

Coy Characterizations

F OR THEIR AGASSIZ concert this past weekend, Jim and Lorry May chose five duets, all a certain sort of

Happy Feet

K IDS AND TEACHERS at East Somerville Community School performed an extraordinary dance last Saturday night. "May Day," choreographed by

Imaginative Scaffolding

S TUDENT CONCERTS are appropriate places for student critics, for the blunders of both young performers and reviewers can be

Knots and Bolts

T HESE LITTLE CONCERTS come out of nowhere. Steve Paxton, a member of the New York avant-garde dance circles for

Lubovitch at the Loeb, Soll, and New England Dinosaur

N OT UNTIL curtain call on the second night, when choreographer Lar Lubovitch jumped forward to acknowledge the applause of

The Mind Is a Muscle

W ORK 1961-1973, a well-organized compilation of notes, essays and scripts by performer/choreographer Yvonne Rainer, is an extraordinary book. Piecing


Reading the Arts and Leisure section of the New York Times is usually a frustrating experience for dance lovers away

At the Still Point

I N THE MIDDLE of the concert I leaned over and whispered to a friend, "I still don't know what


In the late 18th century Bostonians arrived at the theater around 6 p.m. and stayed through a full-length production of

Inching Into Apparition

T HERE'S A LOT of missionary zeal in the dance world. Many dancers find themselves still fighting the battle Martha

Lines Almost Spoken

S PECTATORS ENTER the gym and head for the cluster of audience seated on the east bleachers, prompting Boston choreographer

Under the Magic L'antern

W HEN YOU FIRST see Nikolais Dance Theater, you're determined to see through the troupe's stunts. The company, appearing at


Hamakor. Israeli folk dance troupe. Sunday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m., MIT Kresge Auditorium. Students tickets $1.50. Impulse. A Boston-based

Dream Journeying

T HE IDEA OF evolving a work only for women sparked Education of the Girlchild , its creator Meredith Monk,
