

Deborah A. Coleman

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The State of the Non-Union

W HEN RADCLIFFE COLLEGE was incorporated as the Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women in 1882, the founders suggested

Through Glass Darkly

N O MATTER HOW well a Tennessee Williams play is done, there are some people who have had their fill

For Venice and Rhyme, A Magnificent Time

The Gondoliers, or the King of Barataria at the Agassiz Theater, tonight and May 2-5, 8:30 p.m. O F THIS

It's Delovely

A NYTHING GOES was before our time -- 1943 to be exact -- but who cares? The less quibbling about

Aeschylus Bound

E ACH YEAR, a few ambitious directors summon the spirit of the Greek amphitheater to the dark, boxy Ex. Occasionally

Opening Shots

S INCE WE LEFT behind the days when everyone's stick-figure paintings were hung in our fourth grade classrooms, we seldom

Fit to be Hanged

I 'M TIRED OF SEEING plays about neurotics. I admit, those lonely, childish people who languish in moldy O'Henry tenements

Cooling Off Media

T HE NIXON ADMINISTRATION is notorious for abusing the 100 press, its stabs ranging from acerbic critiques by the Vice


H E HAD ONLY BEGUN to realize that war kills and the Great Society starves when police carted Lenny Bruce

Who Runs Congress?

W HO RUNS CONGRESS? Any casual observer knows--the committee chairmen, the president and the attentive, affluent corporations. Touted as an
