

Tom Green

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Crimson Racquetmen Down Army, 6-3; Bell, Somers Lead Harvard Attack

The Harvard men's squash team breezed to its second straight victory this weekend with a surprisingly easy win over the

Desaulniers to Face Khan In Boston Squash Open

An impressive collection of collegiate, national and world squash champions gathered at Hemenway Gym last night for the opening rounds

Tigers Capture Golf Title; Crimson Finish in Sixth

The Harvard varsity golf team fired five sub-80 rounds in the Ivy League championships this Saturday, but a birdie blitzkrieg

Linksters Fall to Holy Cross

The Crimson varsity linksters upped their season record to 8-4 yesterday by splitting a "down-to-the-wire" tri-match against Holy Cross and

Linksters Sweep MIT, Bates

The Harvard varsity linksters bounced back from last Saturday's dismal loss to Princeton and Yale with a runaway victory over

Linksters to Make Southern Trip

RRRrrroooaaaadddd TT-trrriiipppp!!!!! Ah, the call of the wild is in the air again as hundreds of bleary eyed and book-weary

Ivy League Squash: Why Are the Tigers Winning?

Let's talk squash. Sure, I know the season has been over for nearly a month, but it's only March 19

The Harvard Squash Team: Has the Dynasty Ended?

I'd like to say something bad about this year's Harvard men's squash team. I'd like to say something bad because

Racquetmen Net Fourth Place At National Six-Man Tourney

After finishing up its dual match season with an 8-1 thrashing of Yale two weeks ago, the Harvard varsity squash

Havens Leads Crimson to 8-1 Victory

A blowout. That's the only word for the Harvard men's squash team's 8-1 thrashing of an allegedly-talented Yale nine Saturday

Racquetmen Snap Losing Streak; Crush Hapless MIT Squad' 8-1

After back-to-back losses to Ivy League powerhouses Princeton and Pennsylvania, the Harvard men's squash team got back into the win

Penn Racquetmen Dump Crimson, 6-3

The Harvard varsity squash team continued its fall from "National Title hopeful" to "also-ran" Saturday by dropping a 6-3 decision

Racquetmen Swing Past Williams, 7-2

An injury-plagued Harvard varsity squash team upped its record to 4-0 yesterday with a 7-2 spanking of Williams at Hemenway

Racquetmen Outgun Army, 9-0

The Harvard varsity squash team routed the racket-rattling cadets of Army yesterday at Hemenway gym, handing the young MacArthurs a

Racquetmen Face Amherst

There's only one word to describe this year's varsity squash team. The word is awesome. Sporting two-time NCAA singles champ
