

Tom Blanton

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Sorrow is Such Sweet Parting

T WO WEEKS before Christmas, a middle-aged man woke up in a bathtub when his heart shivered. The water had

Sorrow is Such Sweet Parting

T WO WEEKS before Christmas, a middle-aged man woke up in a bathtub when his heart shivered. The water had

Tower of Babel

S OMEHOW a rocking chair seems out of place in the repertoire of the Pulitzer-Prize-winning Vietnam correspondent and monomaniacal reporter

And the American Dream Did the Rest

I F STEVE BRILL were the type who sings in the shower, he would never have written a book which

Answers to the Ballot Questions

Question 1 There's no question about it: Property taxes are going up. Massachusetts already has the highest property taxes of

Yore Cheatin' Heart

T HERE was great joy in Mudville when Pennsylvania Gov. Milton Shapp announced in August 1976 that Volkswagen would locate

A Chocolate Mess

"N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestles makes the very best, Mal-nutrition." That mutant jingle from the old commercials made the campus rounds this week,

Hey, Good Lookin', Whatcha Got Cookin'?

T HIS IS THE YEAR Ronald Ray-gun's Citizens for the Republic is the number one political fundraiser. This is the

Meanwhile, at the Med School...

Last spring Dr. Oglesby Paul '38 was a lonely man. As the Harvard Medical School's new director of admissions, Paul

Book Review

S OME TIME DURING the night of September 13, 1974, an unseen group of bucket-bearing revolutionaries plastered every flat surface

And Texas Hidden Deep In My Heart

A COUPLE OF FRIENDS OF MINE used to take Jimmy Buffett intravenously, back when he was a cult figure, him

"I've Finally Figured Out Haldeman's Secret... He Keeps An Inflatable Woman In His Briefcase."

R EMEMBER OL' FRED D. THOMPSON? No? You don't remember good ol' Frayud, Howard Baker's boy? The minority counsel on


Last week the Orson Welles showed Hitchcock's single greatest movie, Strangers on a Train; this week, they're showing his two

A Snack Pack of Conspiracies and Scum

C ONSPIRACY runs rampant. There is grumbling in the kitchen, muttering on the back porch, gibbering in the parlor. Back-stage

Sliding Rock'n'Roll

I T WAS ONE of those rivers which spends its whole life trying to seduce a highway. Coiling, twisting, sprawling
