

Sarah C.M. Paine

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Alumni Meeting

Various Harvard and Radcliffe alumni associations gathered in Cambridge last night to begin a weekend of meetings about the status

Pudding Script Comp Under Fire

The Hasty Pudding Club, which completed its script competition Wednesday, left some script writers dissatisfied when it chose a futuristic

Fire Causes Little Havoc At Local Bar

A fire in the kitchen of the 33 Dunster Street restaurant-bar caused little damage early early yesterday morning. Lieutenant Walter

200 University Students Request Abortion Rebate

Only 200 of the 15,500 eligible students have requested, the 56 cents rebate from the University Health Services (UHS) because

Med School Doctors to Study Abortion's Long-Term Effects

Faculty Members at the Harvard Medical School and the School of Public Health are studying possible harmful effects of abortions

College Will Limit Mixers To Those with ID Cards

In the wake of disturbances last weekend at two River House mixers, Archie C. Epps, dean of students, has set
