

Ashwini Sukthankar

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Strong Support for PSLM

In the weeks before the living wage campaign began its sit-in in Massachusetts Hall, many of us spent hours discussing

My Astonishing Self Tries Too Hard to Portray Essential Shaw

My Astonishing Self by Michael Vovsey starring Donal Donnelly at the Lyric Stage through April 17 There is certainly something

Down to the Caesar Salad

A Place Where the Sea Remembers By Sandra Benitez Coffee House Press 163 pp. $19-95 A Place Where the Sea

An Institution With Much to Offer

. Radcliffe guarantees resources for women at Harvard. B eing a devoted daughter of Mother Radcliffe, I see no evil,

'People Are Beautiful and Life Is Short'

U h...I expected you to look more like the picture on the back of the book," I blurted stupidly, eyeing

ART's Misinterpretation Of Shaw Is Heartbreaking

Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw directed by David Wheeler at the American Repertory Theatre through March 3 There is

"...Best" Offers New Perspective On The Smiths

MUSIC ...Best The Smiths At first glance, "...Best," The Smiths' new compilation double album, seems like a simple random reshuffling

Despite Weak Structure, Ding Dong Chimes

Ding Dong written and directed by Elijah Aron at the Agassiz Theater through December 12 Ding Dong, an original play

Engaging Production of Widower's Houses

Widowers' Houses by George Bernard Shaw directed by Mort Kaplan at the Lyric Stage through November 29 George Bernard Shaw

Being Earnest at Leverett

THEATER The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde directed by Chris Scully at Leverett House Last weekend, the Leverett

Tim Miller Bares Queer Body In Original Stage Performance

My Queer Body, performed by Tim Miller on October 4 and 5 Appropriately chosen Morrissey music hummed in the background,

Art's Redemptive Powers Triumph in Our Country's Good

Our Country's Good directed by Ron Ritchell at the Lyric Stage Through May 24 It might seem a little frivolous,

Jet Bludgeons Senses, Convention With Meaningless Pretension:

Jet of Blood was the Loeb Ex's latest attempt at giving Harvard theater a good kick in the pants. An

Like That Old Relative Who Won't Go Away: A "Dragging" Visit at the Loeb Mainstage

the opening scene of The Visit of the Old Lady: A Tragicomedy of Love and Rapid Economic Growth Shows a

Shaw's World: Party On, George!

"That's what I like about Shaw--he solves all the mysteries in the first act." This gospel according to a self-styled
