

Sheila VERA Flynn

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A Medical Sciences Student Overcomes Remarkable Obstacles

Matthew A. Weed has managed to meet and surpass the successes of many Harvard students. And yet, for this gifted

Chemistry Dept. Mulls Changes

After more than a decade without significant change, Harvard's Chemistry Department, home to four Nobel laureates and the site of

"Baltimore Waltz" Receives Award At Kennedy Center Competition

Harvard's production of "Baltimore Waltz" was one of eight plays chosen from more than 900 entries for honorable mention in

Fixing the Brain

Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of Pennsylvania have developed a new way to treat brain lesions in

Pollution in Air Increases Risk Of Early Death

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health have concluded that people living in more air-polluted areas have a 15

Radio Station Revives News Department

In what a station officer called "the resurrection of the news department," Harvard radio station WHRB (95.3 FM) will begin

Rosenthal Outlines Goals

University Health Services does more than simply 'cure' first-years who may have dined at the Union, the organization's director said

ExperiMentors Teach Kids Science

For students at Cambridge's public schools, science means labs and textbooks four days out of five. But on the fifth

Students Create New Mathematics Magazine

"What's big and grey and undefined?" "An elephant divided by zero." This is just one of the math jokes that

Weld Women Discover Naked Man in Bathroom

After a Saturday night out, Weld residents Georgia S. Lee '98 and Rachel L. Barenbaum '98 returned home early yesterday
