

Edward P. Mcbride

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Fellini Flouts Feminism in Film

Man meets woman on tedious train trip. Woman makes eyes before ostentatiously setting off for the bathroom. Man follows, panting.

Blush With Shame

"Granted, novel-based movies don't have to be faithful to their books--and the makers of "The Scarlet Letter" sure put this

Bergman Festival Screens Rarely Seen 'Wild' Treat

You can tell a good movie straight away when you see it, because you can't see it too well. Ingmar

Friel Entrancing With Po-Mo Dancing

Brian Friel is the Shakespeare of post-modernism. His plays, roaming the interstices between past and present, between perception and reality,

Movie Not As Shakespeare Liked It

FILM As You Like It by William Shakespeare directed by Christine Edzard starring Edward Fox, Andrew Tiernan at the Museum

Nights in Damascus Are Filled With Tales

Damascus Nights By Rafik Schami Ferrar, Straus and Giroux $20.00, 263 pp. Tales, yarns, biographies, anecdotes, fables, government propaganda, gossip,

Not So Great Danes

Danish Paintings from the Nineteenth Century from the Collection of Ambassador John L. Loeb Jr. at the Busch-Reisinger Museum through

Colwin's Big Storm More Like a Drizzle

A Big Storm Knocked It Over by Laurie Colvin Harper Collins Press, $22.00 All angst-ridden American parents who question the

Consider Reading This

Consider This, Senora by Harriet Doerr Harcourt Brace Publishing $21.95 A tiny watercolor Mexican town huddles beneath pastel pink and

The Speedy Rise and Fall of Fuente Ovejuna

Fuente Ovejuna directed by Sarah Toby Stewart on the Loeb Mainstage through October 30 The cliche contends that the Spanish

Ex Offers Slow Speed the Plow

Speed the Plow by David Mamet directed by Chris Scully October 21, 22, 23 David Mamet's plays celebrate the wide-open

Killer Culkin

Pets brained with blunt objects, toddlers gurgling for help in icy waters, small children lobbed off precipices: The Good Son

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Alive and Well

C an a conversation consist solely of questions? Do things happen to people, or do people happen to things? Are

Tempest Creates Bleak Landscape

Rain trickled down through the open windows of the Cabot Underground Theatre on Sunday night; it was raining in the

A River Worth Reading

In his first novel. The same River Twice. Chris Offutt Plungers directly into the sophisticate realm of high fiction. Directly,
