

Keith J. Lo

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Employee Sickened by Loker Drink

A Harvard University employee was hospitalized after drinking a bottle of Diet Coke from a vending machine in Loker Commons

Tribe Turns Down Opportunity To Testify at Confirmation Hearing

Laurence H. Tribe '62 declined several invitations to testify at Senate confirmation hearings for former Missouri Sen. John Ashcroft, which

Crowd Gathers to Commemorate Civil Rights Leader

About 300 people attended a Memorial Church service honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, on what would have been

PSLM Crashes Rudenstine's Mass. Hall Party

A small group of students crashed the elegant Christmas party held yesterday at Mass. Hall, protesting directly to President Neil

Michigan Affirmative Action Upheld

A federal judge upheld the University of Michigan's affirmative action program on Wednesday, ruling that public universities can use race

Anti-Cancer Drug Advances to Human Testing

A promising anti-cancer drug developed by Dr. M. Judah Folkman, a Harvard Medical School professor, has passed safety testing and

Brown University Confronts EPA Suit

Brown University may be fined $500,000 for violations of federal environmental statutes, according to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report

Growth in Early Applications Slows

The flood of early applications to Harvard has slowed this year, ending the consistently large increases that the admissions office

PBH Faces Summer of Financial Woes

As a non-profit public service organization, the Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA) has always struggled to find enough money. But

Chaos Reigns as Florida Count Continues

The Florida presidential tally turned even more chaotic yesterday, as a series of court rulings and reversals left both camps

In Alumni Reunion, PBHA Celebrates Century of Service

The Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA), Harvard's largest public service organization, hosted its first-ever alumni reunion this weekend, celebrating 100

Film Casting Agent Offers Secrets to Boston Actors

The man who helped cast Good Will Hunting shared advice about how to succeed in the film industry with a

Napster Agrees To Charge Users For MP3 Service

Napster announced an agreement with German media giant Bertelsmann Tuesday, under which the music-sharing service will begin to charge its

Yale Makes Preparations for 300th Anniversary Celebration

The nation's second oldest University will begin to celebrate its tercentennial anniversary tomorrow with a campus-wide party and a 300-pound

Sam Adams Brewery Founder Offers Students Advice on Finding a Career

When Jim Koch '71 graduated from college, he was confused about what he wanted to do with his life. He
