

Zachary Z Norman

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Looking Back Through The Years: The Class of 2004's Time at Harvard

2000-2001 September Newly arrived first-years are surprised when the ceiling of Stoughton Hall North 29 collapses causing three minor injuries



Sunday 3 p.m.—Staff writer Robin M. Peguero '07 types up his story.



Sunday 4:15 PM: Everyone working on Monday's issue meets in dummy meeting to pitch stories and decide on the layout of the front page.

Popular Classes Pose Fire Hazard

Confronted by an absence of available seats, late class shoppers overwhelmed Science Center 309 last Wednesday as they filled every

University Unveils New, Sleeker Website

Visitors to Harvard’s main website can now learn the story of John Harvard’s foot as part of a relaunched Harvard

Timeline 2001-2002

Sept. 11 The majority of Harvard’s schools suspend classes and other business after the morning’s terrorist attacks, though many remain

Harvard Parking Services Boosts Fines

Motorists parking illegally on Harvard property have taken a harder hit in the wallet over the past two weeks, as

Author Defends Wright’s Later Works

Native Son author Richard Wright’s later works were wrongly ignored, said author Hazel J. Rowley in a speech at the

Students Confront Dershowitz Over Article

For the second time in a week, Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz faced student protestors denouncing his position

Fellowship Will Fund Public Service

This spring two Harvard students will receive one of the largest public service grants in the country. The newly-endowed Elliot

Report Urges U.S. Water Supply System Overhaul

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health issued a report this month recommending major improvements to the nation’s water

Repairs Underway On Quincy Elevator

In Quincy House, what goes up must be fixed. After suffering from frequent mechanical mishaps, which left some students stranded

Harvard Law School Alum Killed in Shooting

L. Anthony Sutin, a 1984 graduate of Harvard Law School (HLS), was killed Wednesday in a shooting at the Appalachian

Long-Anticipated High-Tech Invention ‘Ginger’ Unveiled

Dean Kamen at last unveiled his latest invention—a high-tech scooter—on “Good Morning America” yesterday after months of media speculation about


A New and Improved Chemistry Dept.

Three years after the suicide of a graduate student rocked the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, a new department
